Can I deduct 20% of my business income (QBI)?

Can I deduct 20% of my business income (QBI)?

The answer is maybe. Click the link below to Cherry Bekaert. They provide financial and management services. There explanation of the Sec199A provision is the best I’ve read on the subject. I have highlighted the section I wanted to present. They say it better than me.

I don’t qualify and a lot of businesses I work with do not. Here is why (bold text is mine)

Specified service trades or businesses that are generally prohibited from generating QBI: “SSTBs include “any trade or business involving the performance of services in the fields of health, law, accounting, actuarial science, performing arts, consulting, athletics, financial services, brokerage services, or any trade or business where the principal asset of such trade or business is the reputation or skill of one or more of its employees or owners; or any trade or business which involves the performance of services that consist of investing and investment management, trading, or dealing in securities, partnership interests or commodities.” Engineering and architectural businesses are specifically removed from the definition of an SSTB.” Cherry Bekaert FAQ article

Just remember this when your tax preparer says you don’t qualify. If you are having tax issues, contact me.

Do you need help with an IRS debt or missing tax returns?

Question: Are you having problems with the IRS? Owe back taxes? Have tax returns that need filing?

Answer: I can help.

To get an idea how I might be able to assist you with back taxes, missing tax returns, etc. I would like for you to complete the questionnaire. When I get it, I will contact you to discuss what is needed and what it will cost to accomplish the task.

I will give advice on how to proceed even if we are not a good fit.

Taxpayer Advocate Report

The Taxpayer Advocate Office (TAO) is required to present reports to Congress on the state of taxpayer interactions with the IRS. Included in these reports is what the IRS got right and what they didn’t based on TAO criteria.

Here is a report that has some interesting information. I still think it is amazing that the IRS gets done what they do with very little resource updates.

Read the report here: IR-2021-139, June 30, 2021

If you are having problems with the IRS contact me at 712-274-3469 or


Advance CTC Payment Portal Update

The Internal Revenue Service today upgraded a key online tool to enable families to quickly and easily update their bank account information so they can receive their monthly Child Tax Credit payment. Read more about it on the IRS News Release page.

Need help with issues you are having with the IRS? Balance due, Lien, Levy, etc. I can help.

Call or email today: 712-274-6469 or

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