Your IRS Account to authorize a representative..

Jul 25, 2021 Representation

You should set up your IRS account. WHY? You can check refund status, balance due, get account/return transcripts, and authorize a representative.

On the opening screen for IRS.GOV there are several buttons. One of them is VIEW YOUR ACCOUNT . This will take you to a screen that gives information about what you can see and do once you are logged in. Click on the blue button labeled create or view your account. This takes you to the sign up and log in page, where you can create an account or enter your user name and continue to the password page.

Signing up requires several verification steps. This is the IRS and the process can be daunting.


  • Email address
  • Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN)
  • Tax filing status and mailing address
  • One financial account number linked to your name:
    • Credit card – last 8 digits (no American Express, debit or corporate cards) or
    • Student loan – (Enter the student loan account number provided on your statement. The account number may contain both numbers and letters. Do not include any symbols.) Additionally, we can’t verify student loans issued by Nelnet. or
    • Mortgage or home equity loan or
    • Home equity line of credit (HELOC) or
    • Auto loan
  • Mobile phone linked to your name (for faster registration) or ability to receive an activation code by mail

I have seen several forum posts where people have complained about being unable to set up the account because they don’t have one of the financial account options above. In the drop down FAQ on that page it appears checking or savings account information might be acceptable. My only suggestion to avoid problems like this is to get a secured Visa or MasterCard from your bank. Then throw it in the sock drawer and don’t use it.

After you get signed in there are several options and one of them is to authorize a representative. There are two forms: Form 8821 – Tax Information Authorization or Form 2848 – Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative. One of these is required if you have authorized someone to obtain your account/return transcripts and/or represent you in tax matters. The IRS has provided a way to speed up the process for representatives to submit and get authorized to get them.

Set up you account so that your case can be resolved as quickly as possible.

If you have a tax issue, contact me at or call toll free 833-444-0211. You can even text me at 712-274-3471.